Radiance Sutras Book Club
A 5-week series to read and discuss this beloved text
Course Description
Fondly known as “The 112 Gateways to the Yoga of Wonder and Delight”, The Vijnana Bhairava Tantra or The Radiance Sutras provides us with an alternative to the philosophy and meditation practices in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Rather than suppress the turnings of the mind and deny our desires, this text invites us to access divinity in our embodiment as the key to finding lasting peace. This text assures us that it is possible to find freedom from our sufferings via normal human experiences such as breathing, falling asleep and waking up, being in nature, and making love. Join us to explore the beauty of these verses that encourage you to befriend the whole of your human experience as a pathway to enlightenment. Link to the text is: https://www.amazon.com/Radiance-Sutras-Gateways-Delight-Sanskrit/dp/1604076593/